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`-ALAN `-YOUNG / CONNIE HINES / `-MR. `-ED_-!!!!!~'

I've written five books on _Death & +_Life entitled "The Real Prophet of Doom (Kismet) - Introduction - Pendulum Flow – II” – to be the `-LATEST `-BOOK!!!!!~' There are some `-EXTREME `-EXACT #’s on the `-FORMULATIONS of HOW LONG `-WE are `-GOING to be `-LIVING; and, the `-EXACT `-TIME of `-WHEN `-WE are going to `-DIE!!!!!~' Take Mr. ED `-TV `-STARS `-HUSBAND; and, `-WIFE; and, `-CORRELATE their `-AGES; and, `-TIME of `-DEATHS with their `-REAL `-HUSBAND; and, `-WIVES!!!!!~' THESE #'s `-NUMBERS all `-FORETELL their `-EVENTUAL `-DEATHS!!!!!~’ TAKE for `-EXAMPLE (`-all) of the `-CELEBRITIES; at the `-START of this `-YEAR that have `-DIED (47, 74, 38, 83, 56, 65) `-DAYS before their `-NEXT `-BIRTHDAY; or, `-AFTER their `-LAST `-BIRTHDAY; and, that of `-THEIR `-SPOUSES!!!!!~’ Include `-PRINCE, `-TOO!!!!!~’ DAVID BOWIE, the `-DAY `-HE `-DIED added `-UP to `-47 (day/month/year)!!!!!~’ Do `-YOU `-UNDERSTAND!!!!!~’ REAL `-QUICK, examine the `-SHOW; “MR. ED”!!!!!~’

ALAN YOUNG’S `-BIRTHDAY = (11/19/19/19)!!!!!~’

ALAN YOUNG’S `-DEATH/DAY = (05/19/2016)!!!!!~’

MARRIED to `-VIRGINIA `-McCURDY (1948-2011); `-MARY `-GRIMES (1941-1947)

ALAN YOUNG `-lived to be `-96 years of `-AGE!!!!!~’

`-MARRIED to `-VIRGINIA for `-63 years!!!!!~’ TO: `-MARY `-6 years!!!!!~’

`-636 = Reciprocal-Sequencing-Numerology-RSN!!!!!~’

(6 + 3) / 6 = `-96 = `-AGE of `-DEATH of `-MR. ALAN YOUNG!!!!!~’

CONNIE HINES’ `-BIRTHDAY = (03/24/19/31)!!!!!~’

CONNIE HINES’ `-DEATH/DAY = (12/18/20/09)!!!!!~’

CONNIE HINES’ `-LIVED to be (`-77) years of `-AGE!!!!!~’

MARRIED to `-LEE `-SAVIN (1970-1995)!!!!!~’

LEE SAVIN’S `-BIRTHDAY = (09/21/19/17)!!!!!~’

LEE SAVIN’S `-DEATH/DAY = (01/20/19/95)!!!!!~’

LEE SAVIN `-LIVED to be (`-77) years of `-AGE!!!!!~’ The `-SAME `-AGE as `-HIS `-WIFE!!!!!~’

THEY `-both `-DIED (`-9) `-MONTHS from `-THEIR `-BIRTHDAYS!!!!!~’

ALAN YOUNG `-DIED (`-6) `-MONTHS from `-HIS `-BIRTHDAY!!!!!~’

(`-96) = `-DEATH `-AGE of `-MR. ALAN YOUNG!!!!!~’

(77 + 77) = `-154 = 1 / (5 + 4) = `-19

`-96 = (9 x 6) = `-54

(96 (-) 77) = `-19!!!!!~’

`-MR. ALAN YOUNG has (`-4) `-19’s in `-HIS #’s `-NUMBERS!!!!!~’ BORN; and, `-DIED on the


(19 + 19) = `-38

(19 x 5) = `-95 = `-MR. LEE SAVIN `-DIED in (`-95)!!!!!~’

ALAN YOUNG’S `-BIRTH `-MONTH; and, `-DEATH `-MONTH `-ADDED `-UP (11 + 5) = “YEAR of `-DEATH” (`-16)!!!!!~’

CONNIE HINES’ `-BIRTH `-MONTH; and, `-DEATH `-MONTH `-SUBTRACTED (12 (-) 3) = “YEAR of `-DEATH” (`-9)!!!!!~’

(916) = (9 x 1) / 6 = `-96 = `-AGE of `-DEATH of `-MR. ALAN YOUNG!!!!!~’

CONNIE HINES `-DIED (`-96) `-DAYS before `-HER `-NEXT `-BIRTHDAY!!!!!~’

LEE SAVIN was `-MARRIED to `-CONNIE `-HINES for (`-25) years!!!!!~’

(96 + 77 + 77) = `-250 years of `-LIFE!!!!!~’

ALAN YOUNG was `-MARRIED to `-VIRGINIA `-McCURDY for (`-63) years!!!!!~’

(63 (-) 25) = `-38!!!!!~’

(38 + 38) = `-76 = `-REMEMBER this `-# `-NUMBER!!!!!~’

ALAN YOUNG `-DIED in (`-2016) = (20 + 16) = `-36 = RECIPROCAL = `-63 = “YEARS of `-MARRIAGE to `-VIRGINIA `-McCURDY!!!!!~’

LEE SAVIN `-DIED (`-121) `-DAYS after `-HIS `-BIRTHDAY!!!!!~’

(365 (-) 121) = `-244 = (24 x 4) = `-96 = `-AGE of `-DEATH of `-MR. ALAN YOUNG!!!!!~’

ALAN YOUNG `-DIED (`-182) `-DAYS away from `-HIS `-BIRTHDAY!!!!!~’

(365 (-) 182) = `-183 = (1 x 83) = `-83 = `-YEAR of the `-FIRE `-MONKEY!!!!!~’

The `-YEAR of the `-FIRE (`-38) `-MONKEY (`-83)!!!!!~’

The `-YEAR; and, `-LIVES; of `-38's!!!!!~'

The `-YEAR; and, `-LIVES; of `-38's in `-DEATH!!!!!~'

`-ALL of `-OUR `-PRESIDENTS are `-# `-NUMBERED just as `-WELL; and, within the `-LATEST `-BOOK – “II” – ; `-TOO!!!!!~’


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