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Fidel Castro, Florence Henderson, Ron Glass; AND, Leonard Cohen - FORMULAS for Deaths in America!!!~

Fidel Castro - Fidel Alejandro Castro Ruz - Cuba’s Leader -

`-BIRTH: 08/13/1926

`-BIRTHDAY # `-NUMBER = 8 + 13 + 19 + 26 = `-66

`-DEATH: 11/25/2016

`-DEATH/DAY # `-NUMBER = 11 + 25 + 20 + 16 = `-72


`-38 = RECIPROCAL = `-83 = `-EQUALS the “YEAR of the `-FIRE `-MONKEY!!!!!~’”

`-(8/13 to 11/25) = `-104 `-DAYS

`-365 (Days in a `-YEAR) (-) `-MINUS `-104 = `-261

Year of `-BIRTH = `-1926 / Year of `-DEATH = `-2016 / REMOVE the `-9; and, the `-0 = `-261

Fidel Castro `-DIED at the `-AGE of `-90!!!!!~’


Florence Henderson - Florence Agnes Henderson - Actress of the Brady Bunch & Singer -

`-BIRTH: 02/14/1934

`-BIRTHDAY # `-NUMBER = 2 + 14 + 19 + 34 = `-69

`-DEATH: 11/24/2016

`-DEATH/DAY # `-NUMBER = 11 + 24 + 20 + 16 = `-71

`-BIRTHDAY # `-NUMBER (+) `-PLUS `-DEATH/DAY # `-NUMBER = `-140 = `-SWIPE `-1 for Fidel Castro!!!!!~’

`-(02/14 to 11/24) = `-82 & Florence Henderson `-DIED at the `-AGE of `-82!!!!!~’ Florence Henderson `-DIED `-82 `-DAYS from `-HER `-NEXT `-BIRTHDAY!!!!!~’ She `-DIED on `-HER `-MONTH/`-DAY of `-BIRTH

(02/14) = `-24!!!!!~’

`-365 (Days in a `-YEAR) (-) `-MINUS `-82 = `-283

`-283 = `-EMPHATIC `-WITNESS for the `-YEAR of the `-FIRE `-MONKEY!!!!!~’


Ron Glass - Ronald Earle "Ron" Glass - American Actor -

`-BIRTH: 07/10/1945

`-BIRTHDAY # `-NUMBER = 7 + 10 + 19 + 45 = `-81

`-DEATH: 11/26/2016

`-DEATH/DAY # `-NUMBER = 11 + 26 + 20 + 16 = `-73

`-(1126) = 2116 / 2016 = (2116 – 2016) = Take Out the `-1; and, the `-0 = `-10 = `-HE was `-BORN on the 10th!!!!!~’ SUBTRACT `-10 from `-HIS `-BIRTHDAY # `-NUMBER (`-81); and, `-YOU get `-HIS `-AGE of `-DEATH; which is that of, `-71 `-YEARS of `-AGE!!!!!~’


`-(07/10 to 11/26) = `-139 = `-138 `-DAYS that `-LIE in `-BETWEEN!!!!!~’

`-365 (Days in a `-YEAR) (-) `-MINUS `-139 = `-226

(2 x 26) = `-52 / x `-2 = `-104 = `-Fidel; and, `-Florence!!!!!~’

`-154 (-) `-MINUS `-138 = `-16 = `-YEAR of `-DEATH!!!!!~’

Ron Glass `-DIED at the `-AGE of `-71!!!!!~’


Leonard Cohen - Canadian Singer, Poet; and, Painter - Hallelujah -

`-BIRTH: 09/21/1934

`-BIRTHDAY # `-NUMBER = 9 + 21 + 19 + 34 = `-83

`-DEATH: 11/07/2016

`-DEATH/DAY # `-NUMBER = 11 + 07 + 20 + 16 = `-54

(11 + 07 + 20) = `-38


`-(09/21 to 11/07) = `-47 = (47,74,38,83,56,65) = `-DAYS before `-DEATH; or, after `-DEATH of the `-CELEBRITY `-BIRTHDAYS to the `-CELEBRITY `-DEATHS for this `-YEAR of `-2016!!!!!~’

`-365 (Days in a `-YEAR) (-) `-MINUS `-47 = `-318

`-318 = (38 x 1) = `-38 = RECIPROCAL = `-83 = “The `-YEAR of the `-FIRE `-MONKEY!!!!!~’

Leonard Cohen `-DIED at the `-AGE of `-82 `-YEARS / the `-SAME as Florence Henderson!!!!!~’


`-SEQUENTIALLY = `-137, `-138, `-139, `-140 = These `-CELEBRITIES `-DIED in the `-MONTH of `-NOVEMBER of this `-YEAR of the `-FIRE `-MONKEY (`-2016)-!!!!!~’

From: AUTHOR – DWAYNE W. ANDERSON – “The REAL PROPHET of DOOM (Kismet) – Introduction – Pendulum Flow – I & II –“ !!!!!~’”


The Prophet!~'

Mediator/Arbitrator: Dwayne W. Anderson

((( Www.TheRealProphetOfDoom.Com )))

- The REAL Prophet of DOOM (Kismet) - Introduction - Pendulum Flow - BOOK -

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