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Carrie Fisher (Daughter) & Debbie Reynolds (Mother) tied `-together in `-Death!!!!!~’

Carrie Fisher (Daughter) & Debbie Reynolds (Mother) tied `-together in `-Death!!!!!~’

Carrie Fisher date of `-BIRTH (10.21.1956)!!!!!~’

Carrie Fisher’s `-BIRTHDAY # `-NUMBER = (10 + 21 + 19 + 56) = `-106

Carrie Fisher date of `-DEATH (12.27.2016)!!!!!~’

Carrie Fisher’s `-DEATH/DAY # `-NUMBER = (12 + 27 + 20 + 16) = `-75

`-BIRTH/YEAR (`-19 + 56) + `-DEATH/YEAR (`-20 + 16) = `-111 = “YIN/YANG” = “The `-CYCLE of `-LIFE”!!!!!~’

Carrie Fisher’s `-BIRTH/YEAR # `-NUMBER = (`-19 + 56) = `-75 = Carrie Fisher’s `-DEATH/DAY # `-NUMBER = `-75!!!!!~’

Carrie Fisher `-DIED (`-67) DAYS after `-HER `-LAST `-BIRTHDAY!!!!!~’

`-67 = RECIPROCAL = `-76 = `-EQUALS = `-DEATH/DAY # `-NUMBER of `-HER `-MOTHER Debbie Reynolds = `-76!!!!!~’


Debbie Reynolds date of `-BIRTH (04.01.1932)!!!!!~’

Debbie Reynolds `-BIRTHDAY # `-NUMBER = (4 + 1 + 19 + 32) = `-56

Debbie Reynolds date of `-DEATH (12.28.2016)!!!!!~’

Debbie Reynolds `-DEATH/DAY # `-NUMBER = (12 + 28 + 20 + 16) = `-76

`-BIRTH/YEAR (`-19 + 32) + `-DEATH/YEAR (`-20 + 16) = `-87

`-BIRTHDAY # `-NUMBER = `-EQUALS = `-56 = “YEAR of `-BIRTH of `-DAUGHTER (Carrie Fisher)”!!!!!~’

Debbie Reynolds `-DIED (`-94) DAYS before `-HER `-NEXT `-BIRTHDAY!!!!!~’

`-94 = RECIPROCAL = `-49 = “The `-DEATH/DAY # `-NUMBERS” within the Books: “The REAL PROPHET of DOOM (KISMET) – INTRODUCTION – PENDULUM FLOW – I & II –“!!!!!~’

Carrie Fisher (`-67) + Debbie Reynolds (`-94) = `-161 = (16 X 1) = `-16 = `-YEAR of `-DEATHS!!!!!~’


Billie Catherine Lourd date of `-BIRTH (07.17.1992)!!!!!~’

Billie Catherine Lourd’s `-BIRTHDAY # `-NUMBER = (7 + 17 + 19 + 92) = `-135

`-135 = (13 X 5) = `-65 = RECIPROCAL = `-56 = `-BIRTH/YEAR of `-HER `-MOTHER Carrie Fisher!!!!!~’

`-BIRTH/YEAR (`-19 + 92) = `-111 = “Mother (Carrie Fisher)” = “YIN/YANG” = “The `-CYCLE of `-LIFE”!!!!!~’

Billie Catherine Lourd’s `-BIRTHDAY # `-NUMBER = `-135 (-) MINUS = Carrie Fisher’s `-DEATH/DAY # `-NUMBER = (12 + 27 + 20 + 16) = `-75 = -(`-60)- = `-AGE of `-DEATH of `-HER `-MOTHER Carrie Fisher!!!!!~’

Debbie Reynolds `-BIRTH/YEAR (`-19 + 32) + `-DEATH/YEAR (`-20 + 16) = `-87

(135 (-) 87) = `-48 = RECIPROCAL = `-84 = `-AGE of `-DEATH of `-HER `-GRANDMOTHER Debbie Reynolds!!!!!~’

Carrie Fisher & Billie Catherine Lourd = `-111 (-) MINUS `-87 Debbie Reynolds = `-EQUALS = `-24 = `-AGE of Billie Catherine Lourd at the `-TIME of the `-DEATHS of `-BOTH `-HER `-MOTHER & `-HER `-GRANDMOTHER!!!!!~’

Debbie Reynolds (1932) / Carrie Fisher (1956) = (56 (-) 32) = `-24 = `-AGE of Billie Catherine Lourd at the `-TIME of the `-DEATHS of `-BOTH `-HER `-MOTHER & `-HER `-GRANDMOTHER!!!!!~’


Eddie Fisher’s date of `-BIRTH (08.10.1928)!!!!!~’

Eddie Fisher’s `-BIRTHDAY # `-NUMBER = (8 + 10 + 19 + 28) = `-65

(`-65) = RECIPROCAL = `-BIRTHDAY # `-NUMBER of `-FORMER `-WIFE Debbie Reynolds;

and, `-BIRTH/YEAR of `-HIS `-DAUGHTER Carrie Fisher = (`-56)!!!!!~’

Eddie Fisher’s date of `-DEATH (09.22.2010)!!!!!~’

Eddie Fisher’s `-DEATH/DAY # `-NUMBER = (9 + 22 + 20 + 10) = `-61

(`-61) = RECIPROCAL = `-EQUALS = Carrie Fisher’s `-BIRTHDAY # `-NUMBER = `-106

`-BIRTH/YEAR (`-19 + 28) + `-DEATH/YEAR (`-20 + 10) = `-77 = “YIN/YANG” = “MULTIPLE of (`-11)” = “The `-CYCLE of `-LIFE”!!!!!~’

Eddie Fisher `-DIED at the `-AGE of (`-82) = which `-EQUALS = “The `-RECIPROCAL of `-HIS `-BIRTH `-YEAR = `-28!!!!!~’

Eddie Fisher’s `-AGE of `-DEATH (`-82) + `-PLUS Debbie Reynolds `-AGE of `-DEATH (`-84) = `-166!!!!!~’

(166 (-) `-MINUS (`-106) Carrie Fisher’s `-BIRTHDAY # `-NUMBER = -(`-60)- `-AGE of `-DEATH of `-THEIR `-DAUGHTER Carrie Fisher!!!!!~’

Eddie Fisher `-DIED (`-43) `-DAYS after `-HIS `-LAST `-BIRTHDAY!!!!!~’

`-43 = RECIPROCAL = `-34 / (43 _+34 = `-77 = “YIN/YANG” = “MULTIPLE of (`-11)” = “The `-CYCLE of `-LIFE”!!!!!~’

(`-365 DAYS in a `-YEAR (-) `-MINUS (`-43) = `-322 = (32 / 2) = `-16 = `-YEAR of `-DEATH of `-HIS `-DAUGHTER Carrie Fisher; and, `-HIS FORMER `-WIFE Debbie Reynolds!!!!!~

Eddie, Debbie, Carrie; and, Billie `-LINKED; and, `-MAPPED `-TOGETHER in `-TIME / in `-LIFE; and, in `-DEATH!!!!!~’


Debbie Reynolds `-YEARS of `-MARRIAGE = `-EQUALS = “The `-AGE of `-DEATHS; of `-BOTH, for `-HER `-DAUGHTER (Carrie Fisher); and, `-HERSELF (Debbie Reynolds) = -(`-60)- & -(`-84)-“!!!!!~’

Marriage `-YEAR to Harry Karl in = `-EQUALS = `-19-(60)-!!!!!~’

Marriage `-YEAR to Richard Hamlett in = `-EQUALS = `-19-(84)-!!!!!~’


Carrie Fisher’s `-BIRTHDAY # `-NUMBER = (10 + 21 + 19 + 56) = `-106 = (16 + 0) = `-16 = “YEAR of `-DEATH”!!!!!~’

Carrie Fisher’s `-BIRTHDAY # `-NUMBER of `-106 = (60 X 1 – Reciprocal) = `-60 = “AGE of `-DEATH”!!!!!~’

Carrie Fisher’s `-DEATH/DAY # `-NUMBER = (12 + 27 + 20 + 16) = `-75

(106 + 75) = `-181

Debbie Reynolds `-BIRTHDAY # `-NUMBER = (4 + 1 + 19 + 32) = `-56

Debbie Reynolds `-DEATH/DAY # `-NUMBER = (12 + 28 + 20 + 16) = `-76

Carrie Fisher `-DEATH/DAY # `-NUMBER (`-75) + `-PLUS Debbie Reynolds `-DEATH/DAY # `-NUMBER (`-76) = `-151 = 1(5 + 1) = `16 = `-YEAR of `-DEATHS!!!!!~’

(56 + 76) = `-132 = (1 X 32_) = `-32 = -a Prophetic Number!!!!!~’ (16 X 2) = `-16 = “YEAR of `-DEATH”!!!!!~’

(181 (-) 132) = `-49 = “Debbie Reynolds” = RECIPROCAL = `-94 = “The `-DEATH/DAY # `-NUMBERS” within the Books: “The REAL PROPHET of DOOM (KISMET) – INTRODUCTION – PENDULUM FLOW – I & II


`-ALL of `-OUR `-LIVES have been `-ARTICULATED `-with; and, `-by the `-SIMPLE `-MEANS of a `-STRUCTURED `-PENDULUM `-FLOW in `-LIFE!!!!!~’ THE `-BOOKS have `-IT `-OUTLINED!!!!!~’

`-ALL of `-THESE `-CELEBRITY `-DEATHS of this `-YEAR have been `-ARTICULATED in `-EACH; and, `-EVERY `-ONE `-BOOK of `-MINE of the Author of Reciprocal-Sequencing-Numerology-RSN- = Mr. Dwayne W. Anderson!!!!!~’ `-I’VE `-OUTLINED; `-EVERY `-THING, in; `-HISTORY!!!!!~’

LOOK `-ME, (The MUSICIAN, ENGINEER; &, AUTHOR) `-UP; in, `-GOOGLE-‘!!!!!~’



The Prophet!~'

Mediator/Arbitrator: Dwayne W. Anderson

((( Www.TheRealProphetOfDoom.Com )))

- The REAL Prophet of DOOM (Kismet) - Introduction - Pendulum Flow - BOOK -

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